The work of the Chamber would not be possible without the dedication of our volunteers, particularly on our committees. We are always on the lookout for great members to add to our committee rolls. Take a look at the volunteer opportunities below and choose the committee, task force or workgroup that works best for you. Then fill out the volunteer form indicating your area of interest.
Ambassador Committee
The Ambassador Committee is focused on Chamber engagement with new and existing members of the Greater Houston LGBT Chamber of Commerce.
Ambassadors serve as greeters and connectors at Chamber events, ribbon cuttings, and throughout the community. They are the first contact that new members have upon joining the Greater Houston LGBT Chamber of Commerce.
Members of this committee are available to answer questions about membership benefits and costs. Committee members are always on the lookout for new businesses that will support the Chamber’s mission to accelerate economic opportunity for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer + business community through a strong network of business allies, innovative programs, and strategic partnerships and advance policies that foster economic inclusion and equality. The members of this committee assist new and existing members in getting the most out of their membership.
Legislative Affairs/Public Policy Committee
The Greater Houston LGBT Chamber of Commerce advocates on behalf of Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender businesses at every level of government. With direction from the Board of Directors, the Legislative Affairs Committee convening a broad cross-section of the LGBT and allied business and community leaders to develop and implement policy. Together we establish a clear and persuasive voice and play and actively engage elected officials in the Greater Houston area and across the state of Texas.
The Legislative Affairs Committee develops programs to promote a pro-business and pro-LGBT position on policy and projects in local, state and federal government.
Our purpose: The Legislative Affairs committee is responsible for identifying and recommending positions on legislation and public policy impacting our business community. It is through this committee, subject to Board approval, that Chamber advocacy decisions are made.
Marketing & Communications Committee
The MarComm Committee is responsible for:
• Developing and implementing the marketing strategies for all programs, initiatives and events
• Designing all collateral and promotional materials
• Public and media relations
• Web site development and maintenance
• Social media development and maintenance
Volunteer Management Committee
Do you want to:
- Get involved
- Meet interesting people
- Help with Chamber Events
- Have Fun!
The success of the Greater Houston LGBT Chamber of Commerce and its work in the community depends on a strong and active group of volunteers. At the very center of all Chamber activities, you'll find the Volunteer Management Committee.
The Chamber’s Volunteer Management Committee provides staffing at programs and events like AM Power Connect, Pride@5, Lunch & Learn, and Power Lunch. Committee members assist with many tasks including event set up, registration, guest greeters, as well as attending ribbon cuttings and other special events. In addition, the Committee assists in recruiting and onboarding new volunteers for various committees. The Volunteer Management Committee strives to create an environment that is friendly and welcoming to all of our members and volunteers.
This group is a great way to meet Chamber Members, support the Chamber, and make business to business connections.
Programs & Events Committee
If you enjoy planning great events this is the place for you.
AM Power Connect
Business Networking that is both casual and structured
If you are a morning person, you'll love AM Power Connect. It's a great way to start your day and make new connections! Grab some coffee, enjoy delicious bites and meet some new business contacts! Practice your 30-second elevator speech, exchange business cards and make new connections. Whether you're a business owner or professional, AM Power Connect is a great way to connect with community.
Business Networking in a Social Environment
Pride@5 is Houston's best LGBTQ+ business networking event! The networking mixer is the perfect opportunity for business-to-business and professional networking to establish new relationships and business contacts or just to connect with community. It's always a fantastic crowd and a terrific opportunity to make some great connections! Chamber members and their guests, as well as anyone interested in learning more about the benefits of Chamber membership, are welcome to attend.
Special Events Committee
Events like the Chamber's Anniversary Event, are organized by special committees or task forces.
If you are interested in participating on a Special Events committee please complete the volunteer form.